Every one of us has unique views and opinions. With over 7 billion people on this planet, it’s no wonder that we see things differently from one another. These differing viewpoints can lead to disagreements, arguments, and even violence.

Most of us like to think that we’re open-minded and respectful towards those who see things differently than we do. We try to be kind to everyone around us.

But sometimes, we’re more forgiving towards people who share our own views. It’s just human nature to resist when we hear someone express a belief that we disagree with.

What is Respect (& What It Means)

The word respect originally comes from “respectus” which means “attention”, consideration, or regard. Possessing a Latin origin, it can be defined as “regard for or of a feeling of the value or greatness of an individual, an individual’s quality or capacity, or something considered as an appearance of an individual quality or capacity.”

Respect plays a crucial role in both our personal identity and the relationships we have with others. It’s not just about showing respect to others but also about feeling respected ourselves. Being respected is an essential part of who we are as individuals and how we relate to those around us. In fact, feeling respected is often seen as a basic human right.

When we value and appreciate someone else, even if we don’t always agree with or approve of everything they say or do, that’s what we call respect. It means accepting the other person for who they are and making an effort not to demonstrate disrespect towards them. When we respect someone, we don’t judge them based on their attitudes, behaviors, or thoughts, and we don’t expect them to be anything other than themselves.

Why is Giving Respect Important?

Having respect is crucial for healthy relationships, whether they are personal or professional. When we don’t show respect to others, we shouldn’t expect to receive it in return. And if we don’t respect ourselves, others won’t respect us either.

Respect also plays a big role in our sense of security and well-being. We need to be able to express ourselves freely without fear of judgment, shame, or oppression. When we feel respected and valued by others, it boosts our self-confidence, sense of worth, and overall mental and emotional health.

In short, treating others with respect and cultivating self-respect can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in life. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth striving for.

How Do We Show Respect for Others & Why It’s Important in Life?

Respect is a complex and multifaceted concept that relates to how we view and evaluate others. It’s the feeling of worth and esteem that we assign to someone based on various factors, such as their behavior, actions, and treatment of others.

When we respect someone, we’re acknowledging their positive qualities and behaviors, regardless of whether we agree with all their choices or not. It’s an optimistic view of how they’re living their life and the impact they’re making on the world.

On the other hand, having a sense of pride is about our own self-evaluation and how we view our own lives. It’s an assessment of our own actions, behaviors, and accomplishments, and how they align with our values and goals.

Both respect and pride are important for our well-being and success. When we respect others and feel respected in return, it can foster positive relationships and a sense of belonging. And when we have pride in ourselves and our accomplishments, it can boost our self-esteem and motivation to achieve even more.

It all starts with self-respect

When you respect yourself, you recognize and define your worth and value as an individual. It’s important to note that if you don’t have self-respect, it can be challenging to respect others. Developing a healthy level of self-respect starts with having confidence in yourself. Below are some fundamental beliefs that contribute to self-respect:

  1. Honesty – Being honest with yourself and others is essential to self-respect.
  2. Valuing education – Knowledge is a key aspect of self-respect.
  3. Understanding the importance of proper nutrition and exercise – Taking care of yourself physically is crucial for feeling your best.
  4. Being financially responsible – Being responsible with your finances is a foundation for independence.
  5. Learning how to listen – Respecting the beliefs of others is a crucial aspect of self-respect.
  6. Practicing good manners and proper conduct – This will not only make you feel good about yourself, but others will respect you for your good behavior.
  7. Taking responsibility for your behavior – Being a respected individual involves owning up to your actions.
  8. Knowing when and how to apologize – Part of accepting responsibility is formally apologizing when necessary.
  9. Understanding which friends are good influences – Surrounding yourself with positive influences is important for self-respect.
  10. Setting and achieving significant goals – Each goal you accomplish contributes to your self-respect and helps you develop the confidence to challenge yourself further.

Effects of Giving Respect to Others

When you consistently demonstrate respect towards yourself and others, you will notice a positive impact in your life. The people you interact with will respond to you with a peaceful and respectful attitude. You will also gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the people around you.

Moreover, showing respect towards yourself and others can improve your relationships, both personal and professional. By exhibiting respectful behavior, you can connect and empathize with others much more effectively. As a result, they will also treat you with respect, leading to a healthy and positive relationship.

Examples of Showing Respect to Others

The following are four ways of showing respect to others:

Example of Showing Respect by Listening to Others

1. Listening

Everyone in the world wants to be heard and listened to. Listening to what one has to say is a very basic manner of respecting others. The perceived importance of what someone has to say is a factor that should not be considered. When we give another person our time, we validate them which in return conveys respect.

Example of Showing Respect by Listening to Others

2. Supporting

When you support someone, you not only make them feel valued but also encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. It’s essential to recognize and acknowledge people’s efforts, talents, and skills. Your words of appreciation can go a long way in boosting someone’s confidence and self-esteem.

Moreover, supporting someone also means being there for them when they need you the most. It’s about offering a helping hand, lending a listening ear, or simply being present when they are going through tough times. By doing so, you show them that you care and that they are not alone.

Example of Showing Respect by Supporting Others

2. Supporting

When you support someone, you not only make them feel valued but also encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. It’s essential to recognize and acknowledge people’s efforts, talents, and skills. Your words of appreciation can go a long way in boosting someone’s confidence and self-esteem.

Moreover, supporting someone also means being there for them when they need you the most. It’s about offering a helping hand, lending a listening ear, or simply being present when they are going through tough times. By doing so, you show them that you care and that they are not alone.

Example of Showing Respect by Being Kind to Others

3. Showing Kindness

Kindness and serving are two distinct concepts. While serving involves actively helping someone, kindness may not necessarily require any action. However, showing kindness can be a challenging task as it involves making an effort to understand and empathize with others. When we act kindly towards someone, we show them that we value and respect them. Kindness is an expression of empathy and compassion towards others, which can be a powerful way of building positive relationships. By being kind to someone in need, we can help them feel respected and valued.

Example of Showing Respect by Being Polite to Others

4. Being Polite

Politeness is a powerful tool that can help create positive social interactions and build strong relationships. When we speak politely, we show others that we value their presence and appreciate their contribution. This can lead to an overall positive atmosphere and promote a sense of belongingness among individuals.

It is also worth noting that being polite to oneself is just as important as being polite to others. Self-talk and the way we treat ourselves can have a significant impact on our mental well-being and self-esteem. By speaking to ourselves with kindness and using polite language, we can build a stronger sense of self-respect and positivity.

8 Great Inspiring Respect Quotes

  1. “Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

  2. “Respect yourself and others will respect you”.― Confucius

  3. “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.”― Bruce Lee

  4. “We don’t need to share the same opinions as others, but we need to be respectful.”– Taylor Swift

  5. “Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love”.– Miguel Angel Ruiz

  6. “Be loyal to those who are loyal to you. And respect everyone, even your enemies and competition.”– John Cena

  7. I don’t care if you’re black, white, short, tall, skinny, rich, or poor. If you respect me, I’ll respect you.– Adele

  8. There is no respect for others without humility in one’s self.”– Henri Frederic Amiel

Importance of Respect in the Workplace

Creating a workplace culture of respect can have numerous positive impacts, from promoting a positive and healthy environment to reducing conflicts and stress. When employees feel respected, they are more likely to work together and communicate effectively, leading to increased productivity and a greater exchange of ideas. One of the easiest ways to promote respect in the workplace is to make a conscious effort to be polite and considerate to colleagues. This can involve simple gestures such as saying “please” and “thank you,” listening actively, and refraining from negative comments or gossip.

How to Make Your Employees Feel Respected?

It’s important to recognize the individual contributions of employees and provide them with the respect they have earned. By acknowledging their unique strengths and talents, and celebrating their successes, employees feel valued and appreciated. To foster a culture of respect, it’s important to make respect a priority at all levels of the organization. Leaders should model respectful behavior and provide training to help employees understand the importance of respect in the workplace. By promoting a culture of respect, employees will feel more engaged, motivated, and empowered to do their best work.


One of the hallmarks of a civilized society is the presence of respect for individual members. It is the belief that every person, whether from a family, town, city, country or region, is deserving of respect.

The practice of respect for human life and individuals is essential for a civilized society and world. Respect and regard acknowledge those who are deserving of respect. When we withhold respect from others, we imply that they are unworthy of it. On the other hand, when we show respect to others, we affirm their entitlement to it and their worthiness of it.