This was sent to us:
I discovered that my boyfriend had been unfaithful to me since the beginning of our relationship without my knowledge!
I realized that he had ended our relationship only after it was over.
He finally confessed to his deceit. I eventually discovered the identity of the other woman and started monitoring their toxic and tumultuous relationship through social media.
Whenever they would break up, I engaged in actions that insinuated it was likely her fault. I used his email to subscribe him to various services, flooded his phone with cat photos and Bible verses, and on one occasion,
I sent a glitter bomb to his apartment in her name.
Now I am not proud of what I did, do I feel better that I did it!
Glitter is challenging to remove once it spreads and continues to cause inconvenience.
He thoroughly deserved these acts, and I hope he continues to find glitter in his underwear.
Don’t glitter, bomb!