Every one of us has a unique internal clock, also known as the circadian rhythm, which regulates our periods of sleep and wakefulness. This biological timekeeper is crucial in determining our energy levels throughout the day. It can be influenced by various factors such as light exposure, physical activity, and meal timings. One highly effective strategy to reset this internal clock is to manage ourenvironment before bedtime.
Dimming the lights an hour before bedtime signals to our brain that it’s gradually nearing nighttime, naturally prompting us to wind down. Turning off all artificial lights at least 30 minutes before hitting the sack further enhances this effect; it helps induce melatonin production, a hormone promoting sleep. This simple yet powerful habit can dramatically improve our sleep quality while synchronizing our circadian rhythm with natural day-night cycles. In doing so, we equip ourselves for better daytime alertness, improved mood, and overall well-being.
Most importantly, keep your sleep and wake times the same!
- 0 hours before bed: No more caffeine.
- 3 hours before bed: No more food or alcohol.
- 2 hours before bed: Stop working.
- 1 hour before bed: Turn off all phones, TVs, computers
- 0: Don’t hit snooze when the alarm goes off.
- Mediate