

Of all the attributes that can make up an individual’s personality, resilience is one of the most commendable. Resilience is the psychological quality that allows you to recover when knocked down. It could be returning to work after a tough day or pushing yourself an extra mile on your evening runs.

Resilience is fluid and can appear in every part of your life and every decision you make. Resilience allows us to cope with expected and unexpected hardships and gives us the strength to carry on through hard times.

If you notice someone remaining calm in an otherwise stressful situation, or someone who may diligently keep going at a task even though they’ve failed before, what you’re seeing is resilience in action. This is not to say that resilient people don’t face hardships or don’t have stressors. Quite the opposite.

People who display resilience can process and handle these situations in a way that brings them greater strength than frightening or stressful might. What may overwhelm others does not have a safe effect on resilient people. By understanding that life has certain setbacks and by acknowledging that you may never know what type of problem or stressor life will throw at you next, those who possess resiliency can rise above the immediate feeling of stress and dread.

If you notice yourself getting overwhelmed by stressful or unexpected situations, you may choose to work on building resiliency. Having a resilient nature can come in handy in every aspect of your life, from your professional dealings to personal and family problems or situations that may come up. The good news is, that building resiliency is not impossible, and with just a few changes and adjustments, you could be on your way to being more resilient.


One of the biggest keys in building resiliency for stressful situations is getting enough sleep. Taking care of your mind and making it a point to nourish your body through a proper and consistent sleep schedule will help you to better cope with challenges that arise in your life. Practicing thought awareness has also been noted to help build resiliency. Thought awareness is noticing how you “talk” to yourself, especially when things are going wrong or not how you expected. For example, if you make a simple spelling mistake in an email to you get really down about yourself. By changing the way, we address problems that come up we’re able to change our narrative. Instead of automatically calling yourself dumb, or being mad at yourself for making a mistake, you can change your thought pattern to be understanding. Maybe you had a long night, or you were in a hurry to get the email out. By being aware of your thoughts as they’re happening, you’re in a better position to catch thoughts that might derail your whole day, and you can more easily bounce back from simple stressors that would otherwise overwhelm you.

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