Master of the Double Life – the Secretive Narcissist

narcissist is characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance and a profound lack of empathy for others, often craving admiration and believing in their uniqueness. While narcissism can manifest as a trait or a full-blown personality disorder, the secretive narcissist stands out as particularly elusive.

This type of narcissist excels at concealing their true nature and adeptly manipulating those around them. Despite sometimes presenting as humble or shy, their core is marked by selfishness, arrogance, and a sense of entitlement. Their toolbox includes deception, gaslighting, and projection, and they aim to control and exploit relationships, be it with partners, friends, or family members.

Secretive narcissists often battle with paranoia, insecurity, and jealousy, underpinned by a deep-seated shame and fear of being exposed. They epitomize the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” within the narcissistic world.

This article delves into the characteristicsmotives, and behaviors of secretive narcissists, offering insights on how to identify, cope with, and heal from such relationships. Understanding the secretive narcissist is key to unveiling their mask and safeguarding yourself from their detrimental impact.

Identifying a Secretive Narcissist

How can you tell if someone is a secretive narcissist? Unlike the overt narcissist, who openly displays their sense of superiority and entitlement, the covert narcissist conceals their true nature behind a facade of humility and vulnerability. They may come across as shy, modest, or self-deprecating, yet beneath this disguise, they harbor a deep sense of self-centeredness, arrogance, and a propensity for manipulation.

Here are some signs that can help you identify a secretive narcissist in your life.

The Subtle Art of Neglect and Avoidance

One of the tactics secretive narcissists use to control and hurt their partners is neglect and avoidance. They might appear distant, cold, or indifferent, or perhaps withdraw from intimacy and communication. It’s not uncommon for them to ignore or invalidate your feelings, needs, and opinions.

This behavior is designed to make you feel insecure, unworthy, and overly dependent on them. Additionally, it serves as a way for them to dodge accountability and responsibility for their actions.

They might blame you for their issues or label you as needy, clingy, or overly demanding.

Master of the Double Life

Another hallmark of a secretive narcissist is their ability to lead a double life. This could manifest through engaging in multiple affairs, maintaining secret hobbies, concealing financial activities, or hiding addictions.

They may resort to lying, cheating, or stealing without remorse. Furthermore, they often adopt different personas depending on the people they are with or the situation at hand. They can be charming, friendly, and generous in public, yet turn cruel, abusive, and selfish in private.

Despite pretending to be loyal, faithful, and honest, they are, in reality, disloyal, unfaithful, and dishonest. Their actions aim to deceive and exploit others while protecting their fragile ego from being exposed.

Misuse of Confidentiality and Silence

A third indicator of a secretive narcissist is their misuse of confidentiality and silence. They may insist that you keep their secrets, or discourage you from sharing your troubles with others. They might also withhold their own feelings, thoughts, or plans from you. Discretion is not part of their persona.

By giving you the silent treatment, or withholding information, affection, or praise, they aim to isolate and confuse you, thereby maintaining their power and control. They might also lie by omission, or deliberately avoid answering your questions, further entrenching their manipulative hold over you.

Dealing with the Challenges of the Secretive Narcissist

Being in a relationship with a secretive narcissist can be very challenging. They may make you feel confused, frustrated, angry, or hurt.

They may also try to isolate you from your friends and family or sabotage your success and happiness. How can you deal with these challenges and protect yourself from their harm?

Here are some strategies that can help you.

Recognizing Manipulation Tactics

The first step is to recognize the manipulation tactics that secretive narcissists use to control and exploit you. Some of these tactics are:

  • Flattery: They may compliment you or praise you to make you feel good, but they don’t mean it. They may also use flattery to get something from you or to make you lower your guard.
  • Guilt: They may make you feel guilty or ashamed for not meeting their expectations or for having your own needs and feelings. They may also use guilt to make you do things for them or to make you stay with them.
  • Threats: They may threaten to leave you, harm you, or expose your secrets if you don’t do what they want or if you try to leave them. They may also threaten to harm themselves or others to manipulate you.
  • Gaslighting: They may lie, deny, or distort the truth to make you doubt your own reality, memory, or sanity. They may also blame you for their problems, or accuse you of being crazy, paranoid, or delusional.

By recognizing these tactics, you can avoid falling for their traps and maintain your sense of self and reality.

Setting Boundaries

The second step is to set clear and consistent boundaries with the secretive narcissist. Boundaries are the rules and limits you set for yourself and others in a relationship.

They help you to protect your rights, needs, and well-being. Some examples of boundaries are:

  • Saying no: You have the right to say no to anything that makes you uncomfortable, unhappy, or unsafe. You don’t have to justify, explain, or apologize for your choices.
  • Asking for what you want: You can ask for what you want and need in a relationship. You don’t have to settle for less or compromise your values.
  • Limiting contact: You have the right to limit or end contact with the secretive narcissist if they are abusive, disrespectful, or harmful to you. You don’t have to tolerate their behavior or stay with them out of fear or obligation.

By setting boundaries, you can assert your self-respect and dignity, and prevent the secretive narcissist from taking advantage of you.

Seeking Support and Therapy

The third step is to seek support and therapy if you are in a relationship with a secretive narcissist. Support can come from your friends, family, or other people who understand what you are going through.

They can offer you emotional, practical, or financial help, or listen to you and validate your feelings. Therapy can come from a professional counselor, therapist, or coach who can help you to heal from the trauma, pain, or damage caused by the secretive narcissist.

They can also help you to rebuild your self-esteem, confidence, and identity, and to develop healthy coping skills and strategies.

By seeking support and therapy, you can break free from the cycle of abuse and manipulation, and recover your mental and emotional health.

Recovering from a Relationship with a Secretive Narcissist

After ending a relationship with a secretive narcissist, feelings of trauma, betrayal, and brokenness are common. Alongside these, you might grapple with low self-esteem and trust issues.

These reactions are normal and understandable, given the abuse and manipulation you’ve endured. However, it’s possible to recover from the damage and reclaim your life. Below are steps to help you heal and grow post a narcissistic relationship.

Understanding the Impact on Self-esteem and Trust

The first step is recognizing how the secretive narcissist has impacted your self-esteem and trust. These individuals often criticize, reject, and blame their partners, masking their shortcomings.

They may lie, cheat, and conceal their true selves to undermine your confidence and foster dependency. This behavior also serves to dodge intimacy and accountability.

As a result, feelings of worthlessness, unlovability, and foolishness may surface. To combat these negative emotions, it’s important to challenge the narcissist’s false beliefs. Understand that you are not the problem; they are. Remind yourself of your strengths, achievements, and values.

Reclaiming your identity and autonomy is essential, as is restoring trust in yourself and others. Achieve this by listening to your intuition, honoring your needs and feelings, and surrounding yourself with honest and supportive individuals.

Rebuilding Relationships and Social Connections

The second step involves rebuilding your relationships and social connections. Secretive narcissists often isolate their partners from friends and family, sabotaging their success and happiness to maintain control and project their insecurities.

This can lead to feelings of loneliness, alienation, and depression. Overcoming these feelings requires reconnecting with those who care about and support you. Reach out to friends, family, or other survivors of narcissistic abuse to share your story and needs.

Accepting help, comfort, and advice is important, as is expanding your social network and discovering new activities and interests that align with your passions and values. Engage in groups, clubs, or communities, volunteer, travel, or learn something new to enrich your social life and well-being.

Moving Forward: Healing and Personal Growth

The third step is advancing your healing and personal growth. Despite the trauma and pain inflicted by secretive narcissists, there are also lessons, insights, and opportunities for growth.

You might feel angry, sad, scared, but grateful, wise, and hopeful. To navigate these emotions, process your trauma and pain, grieve your losses, express your emotions, and forgive yourself and others.

Seeking professional help, such as therapy or coaching, can be invaluable. Pursue healing and personal growth by learning from your experience, embracing challenges, and striving for positive change.

Set new goals, chase your dreams, and create your own happiness. Remember, you have the power to rebuild and transform your life.

Empowerment against the Secretive Narcissist


It’s clear that while the secretive narcissist can inflict significant emotional damage, this adversity can also serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth and healing. The key steps involve unmasking their deceit, safeguarding our well-being, and reclaiming our lives.

If you find yourself entangled in a relationship with a secretive narcissist, or if you have suspicions that you might be, it’s imperative to take decisive action. Remember, you are not alone, and you unequivocally deserve better.

Assistance is available through various channels, including professional counseling, support groups, or confiding in a trusted friend. Further, our website offers an abundance of information on narcissism and narcissistic abuse, featuring additional articles, resources, and practical advice.

Consider subscribing to our newsletter for regular updates and inspiration.

Remember, the power to stand up to the secretive narcissist and embark on a journey of self-empowerment rests within you.

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