Are you ignoring warning signs but continuing to date someone despite major red flags? If so, there could exist several reasons for this behavior. For instance, you may enjoy the attention and affection they shower you with at the beginning of the relationship, even if it’s not genuine.
Love Bombing can feel amazing and be like a rush you get hooked on. You may be aware that it’s too good to be accurate and unlikely to end well, but at the moment, it might feel too good to give up.
Future faking is a manipulative tactic in which someone makes promises about the future without intending to follow through. Relationships often use it to create a false sense of security and attachment.
- – Talking about moving in together early in the relationship, then dodging the discussion later.
- – Making plans for a trip together but failing to solidify those plans or canceling at the last minute. minute
Have you become fixated on the notion that this person is your ideal partner, your soulmate, who can satisfy all your deepest longings, make you feel whole, and give you that perfect future you’ve dreamed of? It’s like living in a fantasy world, which can be challenging to resist.
You may believe that you can change them, or perhaps you think that deep down, they are a good person and, with enough love and patience, you can help them improve.
Having low self-esteem can be detrimental to our relationships. It clouds our thinking and can lead us to make mistakes that hurt the ones we care about. Therefore, it’s crucial to work on building our self-confidence so that we can have healthier and happier relationships.
Maybe you don’t feel worthy of anything better. The fear of being alone. Some people might fear being alone more than they fear being in a toxic relationship.