Six Psychological Traits of Narcissism that S/He Would Never Admit

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Six Psychological Traits of Narcissism

Just because you don’t go to therapy or go through a psychology consultation doesn’t mean that you don’t have a narcissistic, pathological personality. Or maybe there is a narcissist around you, making your life impossible without you imagining that they are the cause of your demise.

Narcissists can be very toxic, but it will be harder for them to hide if you know all the types of narcissistic personalities that psychologists have detailed so that you do not let your guard down


They Think They are Superior, But They are Nobody Without your Admiration.

Narcissists are arrogant and proud. They believe they are unique, special, and masters of a wonderful existence, far from what others could imagine. Consequently, most people mean very little to them.

They often exaggerate their achievements to such an extent that they become excessively competitive in their pursuit of excellence.

Of course, they think their experiences are more valuable than those of others. Furthermore, they should set an example for those around them. They do this not to give advice but to be the center of the conversation. Over time, their social relationships deteriorate. Then, new contacts become necessary.

“Admiration is essential for the narcissist’s survival. If they sense rejection, they will start a smear campaign where they portray themselves as the victim. The people who enable narcissists, also known as ‘flying monkeys,’ play a key role in this smear campaign. Be cautious and stay alert.”

They Have the Same Ability to Listen as a Wall.

The world of narcissists is small and limited in what they think and do.  The echoes of their thoughts fit in their head. They do not listen to others because they do not care about anything. Caution is the norm if a narcissist approaches you because if they have to lean on their peers to excel, they will not hesitate to do so. In other words, be prepared to be used.

They are the worst companions one can have because their lack of receptivity makes them unable to help others. In situations like going on a trip, when you do it with someone you don’t know well, you must be careful because many personalities emerge. Narcissists can have many faces at many times.

Success/ Sexual Fantasy

One of narcissists’ key traits is their ability to create their version of reality. Due to their distorted beliefs about their capabilities, they frequently do not live in the present reality, leading them into a fantasy world. You might become the subject of these fantasies, which the narcissist uses to exert power over others.

And will tell about your sex life to anyone would listen 


They want to succeed at all costs. They even deceive themselves into thinking they are better than others.

Narcissistic people can only achieve their goals with an overflowing imagination. They are very good at lying.  A classic lie is that they tell you about distant things that you will never be able to verify. With their unlimited imagination for fantasy, they maximize and make profitable the good, which has been attributed to others.

Of course, don’t listen to them if they blame you for their failure.

In the life of the narcissist, failure always belongs to someone else and never to them.


They Hide Their Emotions, Especially Their Vulnerability.

If someone close to a narcissist is having a wrong time, they won’t pay any attention to him. But when they feel inadequate, they do seek support from others.

Their problem is that they are the center of gravity of their relationships. Empathy is not present in the narcissist’s mind. They may pretend but say things half-heartedly: I miss you, but I don’t.

But they are often vulnerable.

When narcissists feel the need to hide their defects at all costs, they turn their insecurity inward. A false fortress whose objective is that no one can “harm them”.

To not show their vulnerability, they will do whatever is necessary, such as talking excessively, redirecting conversations, and belittling others, to not show weakness. And when they do something wrong, they will pander to you with small gifts


They’re Addicted to Control.

Narcissists cannot keep their hands away from the rudder. They do not want anyone to be able to reveal their insecurity or their lack of self-esteem,” and that is why they try by all means to blacken the name.

Of the person who sees them for what they are.


If They Get Ahold of You, You Will Be Their Puppet.

Narcissists often take advantage of others.

They do it, for example, with people well-positioned to gain their trust. This usually happens a lot in politics. They use advisers who help them rise and take possession of the successes of those who surround them to ascend.

Narcissists excel at manipulating people and situations to suit their agenda. They constantly seek to replace those who oppose or challenge them, aiming to assert their dominance over others. Their primary objective is to place themselves above you and maintain control.

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