Sleep Hacks

Sleep Hacks

Here are Some Sleep Hacks 


Sometimes we have trouble going or staying asleep. In that case we may  want to do look at our  sleeping environment aka, your bedroom. In particular, you will want to look at your:

  • Ambient temperature
  • Wall color
  • Curtains/shades
  • Sounds
  • Nighttime habits
  • Mattress, pillow and bedding


Ambient temperature

.According to experts, the ideal bedroom temperature range is between 60 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. To cool your bedroom if a heat wave has set in, there are several inexpensive options available. In addition to lowering the temperature of your room, with a/c fans etc. you can try natural cooling methods, such as throwing open a window or pouring cold or ice water on your head j/k

Wall color

The mood you are in right before you go to bed can have a significant effect on how fast you go to sleep. If angry, it will take longer to doze off. One factor that can affect your mood is the color of your walls. The best calming color for bedroom walls is blue. Studies have shown that it is the most conducive color for sleep.


The science behind it lays with the receptors in your eyes called ganglion cells. They are sensitive to color and when they sense blue, they send a signal to your brain that you are in a calm environment. The brain in turn starts lowering your heart rate and blood pressure getting you ready to sleep.


While blue is by far the best color, there are also others than have a calming effect – just not to the extend of blue. The colors yellow, green, silver and orange all have proven to provide study participants with at least 7 hours and 28 minutes of sleep on average. Those sleeping in rooms painted blue slept 7 hours and 52 minutes.


A gallon or two of blue paint is not that expensive and could be just what you need to calm you down and prepare you for a good night’s sleep. It is worth a try!



Deep inside your brain’s hypothalamus is your Suprchiasmatic Nucleus which controls your internal clock. It senses light coming into your eyes through your optic nerve and either starts the process to wake up or continues the process if already awake. If there is light coming in your windows from the outside that you have no way of controlling, invest in either blackout shades or curtains to block out that light.



Relaxing and Calming Sound: A sound machine produces a constant sound of white noise or a soothing sound to help you relax. These comforting sounds can block out noises from the outside and create a calming environment to help you get a better night’s rest. If noises affect you invest in ear plugs.


Nighttime habits

Your nighttime habits can also be a source of your inability to fall or stay asleep. For example, if you use a bluescreen device while in bed, be it TV, e-reader, tablet, laptop or smartphone, the blue light emitted from these devices could be affecting your Suprchiasmatic Nucleus mentioned earlier. Keep in mind the bed should be used for two things: sleeping and sex – that’s it. If you do so, your body senses that because you are in bed, it is time to start winding down and go to sleep. Crazy as it sounds, it works!


Mattress, pillow and bedding

Another source of sleeplessness can be your bed itself. In particular, your mattress, bedding or pillow – any of which can be what is keeping you up at night.


Let’s start with the last one first – your pillow. If you are waking up in the morning with a sore or stiff neck or back on the nights when you do sleep, it could be your pillow is either too soft or hard. Try one that is opposite of what you have now and see if it makes a difference. Web MD suggests back sleepers look for a pillow with neck support on the lower one-third of the pillow, while side sleepers should use a firmer pillow that supports the distance between the ear and shoulder equally.


Don’t break the bank on a new mattress! Find high quality options is available at an affordable price online. There are so many mattress companies to choose from. Consider replacing it as  a worn-out mattress can also keep you awake at night because you can’t get in a comfortable position due to  lack of proper support. If it is eight years old or older, it should be replaced


Lastly, your bedding should be comfortable. If you tend to sweat while sleeping, look for bedding made from one of the moisture-wicking fabrics. Getting the sweat off your skin will make you more comfortable. Cotton, wool, silk, bamboo and linen all qualify as moisture-wicking. Easy Care: Make sure your bedding is easy to care for and maintain it– just toss it in the washer and tumble dry! Check if it’s also resistant to fading, so your bedding will stay looking great even after multiple washes.


In an environment where the outside ambient temperature varies, you may want to have a lighter set of sheets when it is warm in the summer and a heavier set like flannel in the winter when it is colder.


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