Anxiety is one of our primal human traits. You can think of it as our body’s natural alarm system that goes off whenever a threat or unfamiliar situation is ahead of us. Some forms of anxiety are customary and necessary to make the right decisions and evade danger. But if it exceeds a healthy limit, it can take a life of its own and stand in the way of well-being. Check out the tips our coaches created; as always, we are an informational site.
Check with your healthcare professional.
1. Identify your triggers
To solve a problem, you must first identify it. Take a pen and paper and write down the list of all the things that make you anxious. What are the major stressors in your life? Is it your job, relationship, bad habits, or distractions? Having the main culprits in front of you will make it easier for you to assess your situation better and better understand where you are going in the wrong direction. When you have the primary roots of your anxiety identified, you can directly start working on minimizing or eliminating these stressors completely.
2. Learn relaxation techniques.
There are tons of tried and tested methods that can help you get a grip on your situation. These techniques help oppose your body’s stress response and allow you to enter a state of calmness whenever and wherever you need it. Breathing focus, meditation, tai chi, yoga, repetitive prayers, body scans, etc., can help your mind and body relax in a short period. Try using each one of these techniques and see what works best for you.
3. Question your thought patterns.
If left unmonitored, negative thoughts can distort the severity of your situation and make a mole out of a molehill. Pay attention to how you react during stressful times. Instead of focusing on the most damaging outcome of a situation, make a conscious effort to consider the different possible outcomes of a situation. Anxiety will often narrow your focus on the most dangerous parts of a scenario while making you completely ignore the good things that can follow too. Also, learn to question the validity of your thoughts and whether what you think is fact-based and following reality.
4. Exercise
Exercise is one of the most effective natural anxiety remedies. When you exercise, you not only clear your mind of worries but also release endorphins (also known as the “feel good” hormones) in the body. Instead of resorting to alcohol or smoking, exercise is a healthy coping mechanism. Additionally, regular exercise may also have psychological and emotional benefits, such as boosting confidence, promoting more social interaction, and improving overall well-being.
5. Practice Self-Care.
In today’s fast-paced world, we often start burning both ends of the candle without realizing it. We burden ourselves with many tasks that are bound to exhaust us sooner or later. Once in a while, take a break and treat yourself. Keep active, eat well, spend time in nature, Get a massage, go to a spa, take a small vacation, and hang out with your friends whenever you can. Practicing self-care will keep your life balanced and excessive anxiety at bay.
6. Talk it Out.
Journaling, talking to close people, attending talk therapy, etc., are all effective ways to let it all out and come up with reasonable solutions. When we engage in our language centers, we tend to calm our anxiety and reduce our psychological reactivity. Looking at our experiences from a broader perspective can also help us better understand our choices and our different options so we can steer toward a solution sooner.
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