Mental Fitness Hacks: Tara Mackey, the author of Cured by Nature and founder of The Organic Life, wrote on this very topic, comparing toxic people to toxic food, saying, “They distract us from our positive or productive habits.
They’ll be the people who discourage you from exercising or make fun of you for wanting to be a better person. They’ll devise reasons for you to stay in other bad relationships.
Toxic people get you stuck in the past and focused on the negative. In that mentality, you can’t move forward, and you can’t succeed. It is impossible for them to share in your joy.” Unfortunately, however, some of these toxic people live with us and call themselves our friends, family, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, etc. So, how do we cut these toxic people off
Some of Our Best Mental Fitness Hacks
1. BE FIRM Toxic people are a powerful force to be reckoned with, and even though we lie and pretend to ourselves about it, they hold so much power over us. This is to say you shouldn’t beat yourself when you can’t seem to say no to the toxic people in your life. It’s a gradual process. Toxic people won’t just say “Okay” when you tell them to “Go away.” Instead, they might even dig their claws in deeper. But do not let this discourage you from your goal. Solution? Be obvious about your intentions with this person. Write it as boldly as you possibly can, so they can get this message. And then…
2. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE Keeping your distance is paramount to your freedom from toxic people. It is crucial. How can you keep your distance? Say NO whenever they ask you to hang out or get a drink with them or even want to come over to Netflix and chill! You might be tempted to say yes, but when that thought comes, think about the pain and hurt they have caused you. Hopefully, that will make you choose the right words.
3. SET BOUNDARIES I came across a tweet by a famous Nigerian influencer, @solomon_buchi, who said, “If you feel that people have always taken advantage of you, you lack boundaries.” He further stated that when people walk over you, you make excuses for “I’m a good person, I love deeply.” No, actually, you lack boundaries. Boundaries will give you a sort of protection against toxic people who have no problem using your weakness over you. Respect yourself, be true to your word. That’s setting your boundaries.
4. DON’T BE TOO NICE. Fact: toxic people will take advantage of any kindness you show to them. And when you’re overly friendly, you’re opening yourself up to more pain. Toxic people strive for your kindness, limit it, but hey, don’t be cruel either. Just stop going out of your way to be overly accommodating