
Anxiety and Triggers

Anxiety and Triggers 

The reasons for experiencing anxiety can vary from person to person, with many triggers setting off a bout of anxiety or a panic attack. Today we’re going to look at common triggers for anxiety to help you avoid these situations to the best of your ability moving forward.



According to Mental Health Charity Mind, one of the top causes of anxiety is experiences, including those from your childhood. The memories of stressful or traumatic experiences can return at any time, especially if you have experienced loss or any form of bullying or abuse at a young age. While your parents should never be blamed for the circumstances of your upbringing, in adulthood, you may find you experience flashbacks or memories of specific times in your childhood that can cause you to feel extremely anxious.


Health Issues.

If you’ve recently had a medical diagnosis that was unexpected, you may find this sends you into a period of anxiety, according to Healthline. A chronic illness or cancer diagnosis can be a huge shock to deal with and leave many people feeling unsure of what to do or whom to turn to. You’ll want to ensure you speak to your doctor about these feelings, as the stress of anxiety on top of your illness can make recovering and receiving treatment challenging to deal with. You want to face any challenges in life with the best outlook, so try to find ways to deal with your anxiety, so you can focus on your recovery and overall health.


Your Environment.

Probably one of the most common triggers for anxiety is your environment. Medical News Today suggests triggers for anxiety can include struggles at work, issues with your relationships, or family losses and struggles. These situations can increase the level of stress in your life and manifest themselves with feelings of anxiety. Work is a massive cause of anxiety for so many people nowadays, who find themselves unable to cope with the huge responsibilities expected of them. If you are struggling with your personal relationships, this can also take a significant toll on your mental health, especially if you live together and find you have no one else to speak to.

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Food and Drink.

If you’ve ever drunk a cup of coffee or skipped a meal and felt anxious afterward, this is a very common trigger, according to Healthline. Caffeine can trigger anxiety rapidly, and for anyone who regularly experiences panic attacks or feelings of anxiety, it’s well worth avoiding caffeine or opting for a caffeine-free drink. When you skip meals, your blood sugar levels will decline, which can leave you feeling shaky and anxious. By eating your meals at the correct times each day for your schedule, you’ll feel much more level and are unlikely to find you experience mood changes throughout the day.


While some of these triggers are entirely out of our hands, you can try to take back some control of anxious feelings in your life by avoiding certain things like caffeine and skipping meals. Anxiety can quickly take over an individuals’ life, so if you are struggling with these feelings, remember there’s always assistance available through your doctor or a therapist.

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