mental hacks

Why Is It So Hard to Forgive Yourself? Dr. Peg O'Connor

Why Is It So Hard to Forgive Yourself? Dr. Peg O’Connor

Forgiving yourself is not letting yourself off the hook.   Source: Pixabay Why Is It So Hard to Forgive Yourself? I acknowledge that some people “forgive” themselves too easily and quickly. When they feel the tooth of remorse or the pang of regret, they let themselves off the hook. Denying their responsibility, minimizing their role, […]

Why Is It So Hard to Forgive Yourself? Dr. Peg O’Connor Read More »


Raising Your Perception with Respiration and Perspiration by Dr.E. Paul Zehr, PhD

Controlling breath to affect brain activity may help healthy aging. Posted February 19, 2022 |  Reviewed by Kaja Perina KEY POINTS Breathing and movement are key parts of being alive as a human animal in the world. Respiration affects mood, memory, and sensory perception. Mindful practices like yoga, martial arts, and moving in walking can help couple

Raising Your Perception with Respiration and Perspiration by Dr.E. Paul Zehr, PhD Read More »