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Unparented Girls: The Vulnerability and Attraction to Predatory Men

Unparented Girls: The Vulnerability and Attraction to Predatory Men

Unparented girls are those who lack parental guidance or support. In this article, we focus on females, but in reality, all children, boys and girls, can suffer. They may have lost their parents due to death, abandonment, or other circumstances, or they may have never had parents in the first place. These girls are often […]

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Dr Monica Johnson

How Do You Make it Through After a Loved One Dies? By Dr Monica Johnson

The experience of grief can vary widely from person to person and may involve a range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety, and despair. Grief can also affect an individual’s thinking and cognition, leading to difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or remembering things. Physical symptoms of grief may include fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. Grief

How Do You Make it Through After a Loved One Dies? By Dr Monica Johnson Read More »

Summer Love Winding Down? Or Just wanting to Break Up.

Summer Love Winding Down? Or Just wanting to Break Up.

Breaking up using a text message: Why isn’t it that bad? Breaking up with someone is a sensitive and emotionally charged situation, and it is generally advisable to have face-to-face conversations when ending a relationship. However, there are exceptional circumstances where breaking up by text message may be considered acceptable or preferable. Here are a

Summer Love Winding Down? Or Just wanting to Break Up. Read More »

Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love: A Complete Guide to Healing and Moving On

Unrequited Love Unrequited love is an emotion many people experience at some point in their lives. It occurs when someone loves another person, but the other person does not love them back. Unrequited love can be difficult and painful to experience and profoundly affect one’s emotional well-being. This article will explore unrequited love, how to

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How to Identify and Stay Away from Toxic People

Toxic people are the worst! Their very presence causes even the happiest person to have a lousy day. Call it their superpower.We all have these sets of people in our lives: people who, through their actions, words, or even presence as aforementioned, bring about the feeling of anxiety, insecurity, inadequacy, or even anger whenever we

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Emotional maturity is a crucial aspect of personal growth

Emotional maturity is a crucial aspect of personal growth and development. It goes beyond simply controlling your emotions; it encompasses the ability to manage yourself effectively in any situation. This means identifying and understanding your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to respond thoughtfully rather than impulsively. Emotional maturity will enable us to navigate life’s ups

Emotional maturity is a crucial aspect of personal growth Read More »

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Six Psychological Traits of Narcissism that S/He Would Never Admit

Six Psychological Traits of Narcissism Just because you don’t go to therapy or go through a psychology consultation doesn’t mean that you don’t have a narcissistic, pathological personality. Or maybe there is a narcissist around you, making your life impossible without you imagining that they are the cause of your demise. Narcissists can be very

Six Psychological Traits of Narcissism that S/He Would Never Admit Read More »