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Holiday Blues

What Psychiatrists Have to Say About Holiday Blues by Dr. Saab and Dr.Javanbakht

  This time of the year brings a lot of changes to the usual day-to-day life of hundreds of millions of people: The weather is colder, trees are naked, snowy days become plentiful and friendly critters are less visible around the neighborhood. Especially in the Western Hemisphere, this time of the year is also linked […]

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Mindfulness Exercises to Practice

Enhance your mental wellness with effective mindfulness exercises. Learn practical techniques for stress relief and focus. Mindfulness is becoming a must because it aims to improve the physical and mental health of those who practice it. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a set of techniques that you practice every day. Staying in the present with

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Are You Feeling Sparks With Someone New or Anxiety? by Dr. Roxy Zarrabi, Psy.D

Are You Feeling Sparks With Someone New or Anxiety? by Dr. Roxy Zarrabi, Psy.D

Why asking this question could be an important part of finding the right match.   When you’re feeling sparks with someone you have recently started seeing, there is an adrenaline rush that often feels thrilling. Your heart may beat fast, you may experience shortness of breath, or you may feel butterflies in your stomach. These

Are You Feeling Sparks With Someone New or Anxiety? by Dr. Roxy Zarrabi, Psy.D Read More »

10 Tips to Take Care of your Emotional Health During the Coronavirus Epidemic

Try Our Hacks to Take Care of your Emotional Health Anytime

If you find yourself on staycation, then follow these tips Avoid panic shopping Panic shopping, as the name implies, only creates stress.  If you are looking for work clothes, find outfits that match easily. If home shopping walk around and see what you really or think you need?   Learn to identify fake news and

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Unloved Daughters: Anger, Recognition , and Recovery by Peg Streep

Dealing with the Narcissist’s Smear Campaign By Peg Streep

How not to get sucked in and wiped out (and eventually recover). Among the things most experts agree on is that narcissists never go quietly into the night; they do not simply disappear from view but instead practice the scorched-earth policy, leaving nothing but the burned wreckage of relationships and, sometimes, reputations. Source: Abigail Keenan/Unsplash

Dealing with the Narcissist’s Smear Campaign By Peg Streep Read More »

Managing Anger: Tips, Techniques, and Tools. By Tchiki Davis

3 skills that can help people learn to better control their anger. KEY POINTS Anger is a strong negative emotion that prepares us to fight or confront our enemies. Although it’s normal to feel angry at times, over-expressing anger or suppressing it can be detrimental to relationships and health. Some tips for managing anger include

Managing Anger: Tips, Techniques, and Tools. By Tchiki Davis Read More »

Psychological Persuasion Techniques of Sexual Predators by Dr. Stamoulis, PhD, LMHC

Psychological Persuasion Techniques of Sexual Predators by Dr. Stamoulis, PhD, LMHC

Know their tricks. High-profile sexual predators have been all over the news recently. This has led many to question how abusers could have manipulated so many victims, and why their victims didn’t immediately run away screaming. Consider former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, now a convicted child molester, who has been accused of sexually assaulting over 250

Psychological Persuasion Techniques of Sexual Predators by Dr. Stamoulis, PhD, LMHC Read More »